Sunday, May 12, 2024


 मैं शून्य का ही शेष हूँ

अनंत और शून्य के बीच के शून्य को सम्भालता 

कुछ शून्य शेष रह गया 

मैं वो ही शून्य हूँ 

Friday, April 19, 2024


 We are all children of probability 

We only exist because we also could not

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Black hole

अनंत व्योम गर्भ से 

तमस् है जन्म ले रहा 

प्रकाश अबल खड़ा वहीं 

काल अस्त हो रहा 

अनादि जीव देव का 

है अंत वहाँ हो रहा 

शब्द का विनाश भी 

शब्द में ही हो रहा 

सृजन विलय के बीच में

नये आयाम को सींचता 

दिशाओं को भी वो 

भुजाओं में समेटता

कल रात जो देखा था तुमने

कल रात जो देखा था तुमने 

वो सूना तारा हमारा था

तुझसे रौशन टिमटिम करता

उसने विश्वास हमारा  था 

घर के रौशन कोने में 

उम्मीद की एक परछाईं थी

तुझसे मिलकर खिल खिल करती

अभी पड़ी सकुचाई सी 

जो धार चली थी आँखों से 

एक आंसू मेरा उसने

एक आँसू तुम्हारा था 

थोड़ी थोड़ी भूली सी 

वो फ़रियाद हमारी थी 

नींद में थे तब सच्ची थी

अब जाग गये तो याद नहीं 

Friday, March 8, 2024

I have become like you

I have become like you

A sovereign citizen of the other universe far far away

Forever yearning never achieving 

Forever travelling never reaching

Forever parched in the evening rain

A merchant of tomorrow’s memories 

A somnambulist in the desert of desires

I am not dead,  I never lived .

Sunday, March 3, 2024

9:41 PM is the time of forgotten memories

Pebbles in the street I often walked

A tree in the home I grew up in

That awkward stolen kiss

Hidden mark-sheets

Careless  talks on Philosophy, Physics

Whispering ocean by the window

Rainforests ,  never ending rain

A little bit of me a little bit of you 

A little bit of nothing else

It all exists only at 9:41 PM

Everywhere, all the time 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

I only exist in her memories

I only exist in her memories

Forever in the past

Fading slowly 

I have new roommates 

My space shrinks 

As she makes new memories 

Forgetting me a little everyday 

The lives I have touched have touched me back

The lives I have touched have touched me back

My gaze into the future is not my own

The scars I carry are not from battles I have fought

I live many lives today I will die many deaths 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The broken heart should never be healed

The broken heart should never be healed. It is whatever remains of the heart that once was. The mended heart is something else, of someone else.

Graves of immortal angels

In the hollow eyes of a dying man there are graves of immortal angels

When life begins to recede

When life begins to recede

The body does not know 

It  is only in the ever dimming light in the eyes

And in the fast fading crimson sunset

In time’s persistent accounting of lives touched

In the souls preparation to say good bye

The eternal night looms near

A forever repenting heart